Our Advent calendar for 2019

December 25, 2019

On behalf of all our staff we wish our clients a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a great holiday period.

The economic and investment outlook for 2020

December 23, 2019

The 2019 year has been unpredictable for investors, with weaker economic growth and ongoing geopolitical tensions leading to heightened volatility on investment markets.

Retirement planning in 15 minutes a day

December 13, 2019

There are few things in today's world as certain as this. Ask anyone how they are and the answer you're likely to get is “I'm good. Busy. How are you?”

Eggs, baskets and diversified SMSF investment strategies

December 10, 2019

The ATO wants to ensure that, when an SMSF has a significant majority of its investments in a single asset class, the trustees have considered, as part of the investment strategy, the risks which could arise from that limited diversification.