Frydenberg flags super freeze

March 30, 2021


Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has weighed in on the superannuation debate in the clearest sign yet that the government may be considering a freeze to the legislated increase.


What exactly is inflation?

March 24, 2021


Why is the RBA so keen to see it return? And more importantly, what does this all mean for investors?


Why benchmarking will be good for super funds

March 21, 2021


Your Future Your Super reforms have recently resulted in strong public debate. Here's why the proposed introduction of benchmarks for super funds may help further strengthen Australia's superannuation system.


Cost of retirement up in December quarter

March 18, 2021


The cost of retirement for Australians has gone up, with the increases in health insurance and domestic holiday prices, according to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia’s (ASFA) latest figures.