Month: April 2023
Weighing up cash deposits
Cash in a deposit account doesn't necessarily equate to safety. That's why many investors are shifting to fixed interest securities.
How Long Could You Survive Drinking Only ………
Here's how long you'd live consuming only this liquid, and nothing else.
More SMSF members accessing funds without meeting conditions: ATO
The ATO said it is seeing a rise in behaviours which indicate SMSF members may be accessing their funds before meeting the conditions of release.
More women take up SMSF as others look for advice
A new report from AUSIEX shows that in 2022, new SMSF trading accounts were relying more on advice, were increasingly female and favoured a distinct mix of asset classes, securities and sectors.
Devil in the detail on super changes
Proposed changes to superannuation have the potential to reshape the retirement landscape. The objective of super remains the missing ingredient in the mix.
Protect your business from cyber threats.
Computer hacking has been around for as long as there have been computers. Once it used to be computer geeks showing the world how smart they were. Now it's become very serious with almost any person, company or Government at risk from these criminal activities.
Australian retirees face accelerating price pressures
Couples now need nearly $70,000 per year to achieve a comfortable retirement, while singles need around $50,000 according to an analysis from the ASFA Retirement Standard.