Australian Government – Superannuation fact sheets



The following link is to a Federal Government publication that contains all the current Superannuation fact sheet.  Please click on this link to read more on the following:

Fact sheet 01: A superannuation system that is sustainable, flexible and has integrity

Fact sheet 02: Introducing a $1.6 million transfer balance cap

Fact sheet 03: Reforming the taxation of concessional contributions

Fact sheet 04: Annual non-concessional contributions cap

Fact sheet 05: Changes to defined benefit schemes

Fact sheet 06: Supporting Australians to save for their retirement by introducing the Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset

Fact sheet 07: Improving access to concessional contributions

Fact sheet 08: Allowing catch‑up concessional contributions

Fact sheet 09: Extending the spouse tax offset

Fact sheet 10: Enhancing choice in retirement income products

Fact sheet 11: Improve integrity of transition to retirement income streams

Fact sheet 12: Improving governance and transparency

Fact sheet 13: Impacts on key groups


Superannuation Facts Sheets 2016