Census 2021 Data

July 18, 2022

Search through the data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and find interesting facts about how the country is changing.

ATO responds to GST case involving SMSF

July 14, 2022

The ATO has issued a decision impact statement on a recent decision that determined whether an SMSF was liable for GST on the sale of subdivided lots.

Super, Death, and taxes

July 10, 2022
An interesting finding in the federal government's Retirement Income Review report is that many Australians are dying with the majority of the wealth they had when they retired.

Tax tips

July 9, 2022

The more detail you can give your accountant the quicker your tax return can be processed and, usually, the better the outcome. The following will help.

Using trusts: Keeping it in the family

June 30, 2022

Trusts are used to hold assets for various reasons, but most typically for tax planning and asset protection purposes. Here's a little more insight into how trusts work.

World GDP Ranking (1960~2025)

June 23, 2022

The following animated chart covers the period from 1950 to 2017. It is fascinating to see how the world changes over time.