Retirement planning in 15 minutes a day

December 13, 2019

There are few things in today's world as certain as this. Ask anyone how they are and the answer you're likely to get is “I'm good. Busy. How are you?”

Eggs, baskets and diversified SMSF investment strategies

December 10, 2019

The ATO wants to ensure that, when an SMSF has a significant majority of its investments in a single asset class, the trustees have considered, as part of the investment strategy, the risks which could arise from that limited diversification.

Downsizer contributions offer more than meets the eye

November 25, 2019

Retiree clients looking to sell their property can often contribute more to their SMSF than expected through the government’s recently introduced downsizer contribution rules, due to the flexibility to split contributions between spouses and use them in conjunction with other contribution rules, according to Fitzpatricks Private Wealth.

6 new financial videos

November 22, 2019

Videos are a good way to learn more about a topic or show to others who my be new to financial management.

Does your mind help or hinder your investment success?

November 9, 2019

Of all the decisions we make, investments ought to be the most rational. We should be able to whip off our rose-coloured glasses, replace them with green eyeshades and choose the lowest-cost investments with the highest-expected returns to create a diversified portfolio.

Does your mind help or hinder your investment success?

November 9, 2019

Of all the decisions we make, investments ought to be the most rational. We should be able to whip off our rose-coloured glasses, replace them with green eyeshades and choose the lowest-cost investments with the highest-expected returns to create a diversified portfolio.