Are you planning to boost your retirement income by doing some part-time work once you eventually retire? Perhaps you have included the expectation of some paid work in your calculations about how much you need to finance your retirement.
Author: zfs
Realism vs reality – working part-time as retirees
Are you planning to boost your retirement income by doing some part-time work once you eventually retire? Perhaps you have included the expectation of some paid work in your calculations about how much you need to finance your retirement.
SMSFs warned on ‘ticking time bomb’ with outdated deeds
A surprising number of older SMSF deeds pre-dating the 2008 financial year still remain, some of which contain inappropriate clauses exposing members to unforeseen risks, an industry lawyer warns.
Statutory wills are underutilised in estate planning
Statutory wills are being neglected in situations where a family member has lost capacity with the absence of an established will, according to Australian Unity Trustees.
Statutory wills are underutilised in estate planning
Statutory wills are being neglected in situations where a family member has lost capacity with the absence of an established will, according to Australian Unity Trustees.
Resources on our site to help you, your family and your friends.
Your Financial Planner supplies you with more tools and resources than most others and at no extra cost. Use them to improve your planning for the future.
Calls to Review ASIC’s Definition of Lapse Insurance
Industry stakeholders are seeking clarity from ASIC over the criteria it is using to determine the incidence of life insurance policy lapses.
Paperwork bungles lead to $38k in payments
An example of the need to keep good records for everything you do.
Self-employed? Don’t miss out on super
There are plenty of benefits from being self-employed including having a typically high degree of independence.
Australian Dietary Guidelines and healthy eating chart (PDF)
The Australian Dietary Guidelines give advice on eating for health and wellbeing. They’re called dietary guidelines because it’s your usual diet that influences your health. Based on the latest scientific evidence, they describe the best approach to eating for a long and healthy life.
Big concessions looking likely for transfer balance limit: ATO
The ATO has given a strong indication that there will be concessions made in relation to events-based reporting for those SMSFs with balances significantly lower than $1.6 million, after a period of industry consultation “blew out” the ATO's expectations.
Raft of superannuation measures enter Parliament
The government has introduced a number of bills into Parliament relating to contributions including the removal of an employer loophole with salary sacrifice arrangements.