More than $31bn paid under early super release

September 24, 2020


The government’s early super release scheme shows no signs of slowing down, with almost 90,000 release applications received by super funds in the first week of August and more than $700 million in payments made.


Your super fund, your choice

September 21, 2020


Choice is inherently regarded as a good thing, particularly in these COVID-affected times when some of our basic choices have had to be suspended for the greater community good.


ATO confirms important issue on pension payments

September 10, 2020


The ATO has confirmed only payments made to a member after 24 March in excess of the reduced minimum pension can be treated as a lump sum, even where a valid election was previously in place, says the SMSF Association.


How SMSF trustees navigated COVID-19 volatility

September 7, 2020


Last week, Vanguard and Investment Trends launched the 2020 SMSF Investor Report. This year's report surveyed over 3000 SMSF trustees on their investment priorities and industry outlook, providing an insight into how trustees navigated through COVID-19 volatility.

JobKeeper Phase 2

August 27, 2020


The Government has decided to extend a lower JobKeeper for a further six months (13 fortnights) from 28 September this year, with eligibility based on actual rather than projected turnover declines.


Early release of Super extended to Dec 31

August 21, 2020


Superannuation fund members facing financial hardship have been given an extended window to access retirement savings under the early release scheme.