The Actuaries Institute has addressed the ATO with significant concerns about a recent interpretation related to exempt current pension income (ECPI), fearing many SMSFs will make incorrect claims as a result.
Financial Planning
Do’s and don’ts of estate planning
Most financial planners are now fully aware of the importance of estate planning when it comes to developing a comprehensive financial plan for their clients.
LISTO to help boost women’s super
New Government initiative to benefit women's superannuation.
Smart ways to stretch retirement money
Just think that in early June 2008, the Reserve Bank's cash rate stood at 7.25 per cent. Now fast forward nine years to early June 2017 and Australia's current cash rate is 1.5 per cent.
Low economic growth likely for years
Despite the current resurgence in equity markets, global economic growth was likely to stay low for a number of years as cyclical and structural factors combined to ensure interest rates and inflation remained subdued for the foreseeable future, according to Standard Life Investments.
Recorded Crime – Offenders, 2015-16
What exactly is the picture in Australia when it comes to crime?
Adequacy of savings still a concern among Australians
The latest research into superannuation showed a significant proportion of Australians were still concerned about having enough money saved to fund their retirement.
‘Bank-like heists’ make way for new wave of cyber crime
Identity theft is an increasingly popular method of cyber crime as opposed to “bank-like heists” of the past, and SMSF trustees are a prime target, according to a university professor.
Give your children a saving and investing edge – for life
Perhaps the best way to give your young children a lifetime saving and investing advantage is to ensure they are as financially literate as possible, as early as possible in their lives.
Women still in the dark about finances
The gender pay gap and divorce were some of the issues that were stopping women from understanding how to thrive financially, according to AFA Inspire national chair Dianne Charman.
Lessons learnt – often the hard way
Important: A summary of what a number of experts with many years experience helping people manage their investments have to say about the lessons they've learnt.
Australian population figures
The following information covers Australia's recent population trends and movements.