Insurance inside super has tax advantages
August 20, 2024

Insurance inside super has tax advantages

One of the most significant advantages of holding insurance policies inside superannuation is the tax deduction for life and disability premiums that go towards paying out a disability superannuation benefit, according to a leading technical specialist.

by zfs
July 25, 2024

Income-free areas set to increase from 1 July

People nearing retirement often want to know how much they can earn before it affects their pension, and now there is a bit of good news on the horizon for SMSF members who receive the Age Pension.

by zfs
Compliance focus impacts wind-ups
July 20, 2024

Compliance focus impacts wind-ups

The ATO’s strategic increased focus on compliance is having a noticeable effect on the sector and is now the most common reason why many SMSF trustees have closed their funds, the latest Investment Trends research has shown.

by zfs