Catch-up concessional contributions – strategies and practicalities
It’s been a long time coming but members are finally able to use the catch-up concessional contribution rules for the first time this year (2019–20).
It’s been a long time coming but members are finally able to use the catch-up concessional contribution rules for the first time this year (2019–20).
You're so close. You were diligent in making additional contributions to your super when it made sense and have saved enough in your fund of choice.
SMSF auditors are expected to focus more clearly on specific details and evidence around a fund’s investment strategy in the coming year as the industry continues to feel the ripple effects from the ATO’s diversification letter campaign of 2019.
SMSF auditors are expected to focus more clearly on specific details and evidence around a fund’s investment strategy in the coming year as the industry continues to feel the ripple effects from the ATO’s diversification letter campaign of 2019.
The data contained on this website can help with many day to day decisions.
The ATO has renewed its commitment to making sure super is “visible, valued and owned” in 2020, naming consolidation of member accounts and reducing the incidence of SG non-payment as some of its key priorities for the coming year.
At the end of 2018, after a dismal fourth quarter – in fact, the worst quarterly performance in seven years – the Australian share market closed at a two-year low.
One of the biggest retirement challenges is ensuring that the savings accumulated during your working years lasts as long as you do.
The 2019 year has been unpredictable for investors, with weaker economic growth and ongoing geopolitical tensions leading to heightened volatility on investment markets.