Choosing your investment strategy
Investors are faced with a significant and growing challenge. Stretched government balance sheets and an ageing population will likely place a growing emphasis on retirees to “self-fund” their retirement.
Investors are faced with a significant and growing challenge. Stretched government balance sheets and an ageing population will likely place a growing emphasis on retirees to “self-fund” their retirement.
Letters sent by the ATO to nearly 18,000 SMSFs may serve as a warning to a far greater number of funds with similar strategies, an SMSF expert has claimed.
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One great source of data about Australia. Become better acquainted with the country we love. An up-to-date snapshot of Australia's vital statistics.
High-income-earning SMSF trustees with multiple employers will be able to apply from mid-October to gain exemptions from super guarantee contributions, according to the ATO.
Given that self-managed super funds (SMSFs) hold more than half of the retirement dollars in super, it is easy to assume that self-managed super is dominated by older members. Not so.
Downsizer contributions can be a valuable strategy for members who are retired or have reached their contributions caps to tip further funds into super, but advisers need to be aware of the restrictions around which property sales are eligible, according to a technical services expert.
Downsizer contributions can be a valuable strategy for members who are retired or have reached their contributions caps to tip further funds into super, but advisers need to be aware of the restrictions around which property sales are eligible, according to a technical services expert.
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SMSF trustees may find properties within their fund caught under changes to non-arm’s length income rules if the property is involved in a related-party transaction and is not professionally valued, according to a leading SMSF law firm.