Goodbye to ad-hoc portfolios
May 11, 2019

Goodbye to ad-hoc portfolios

Investment portfolios are often built in an ad-hoc fashion with too little thought given to taking a co-ordinated approach to investing.

by zfs
Wanted: More voluntary super contributions
May 7, 2019

Wanted: More voluntary super contributions

Are you contributing enough to super? Recent research highlights the reality that most members of large super funds do not make voluntary contributions.

by zfs
Wanted: More voluntary super contributions
May 7, 2019

Wanted: More voluntary super contributions

Are you contributing enough to super? Recent research highlights the reality that most members of large super funds do not make voluntary contributions.

by zfs
Australia by the numbers – May Update
May 3, 2019

Australia by the numbers – May Update

          An up-to-date snapshot of Australia's vital statistics.   Please click on the following link to see all this interesting information. The areas covered are: Overview Markets GDP Labour Prices Money Trade Government Business Consumer Housing Taxes Climate   Access all this data here.

by zfs
Australia by the numbers – May Update
May 3, 2019

Australia by the numbers – May Update

          An up-to-date snapshot of Australia's vital statistics.   Please click on the following link to see all this interesting information. The areas covered are: Overview Markets GDP Labour Prices Money Trade Government Business Consumer Housing Taxes Climate   Access all this data here.

by zfs
Federal Budget 2019 – Overview
April 30, 2019

Federal Budget 2019 – Overview

The Government’s economic plan and this Budget are building a stronger economy and securing a better future for all Australians. This Budget and our economic plan are:

  • Returning the budget to surplus
  • Delivering more jobs
  • Providing lower taxes
  • Guaranteeing essential services like Medicare, schools, hospitals and roads
by zfs
Paying for health care in retirement
April 25, 2019

Paying for health care in retirement

In retirement, an Australian couple needs from $4,700 to $9,400 a year to pay for health care , according to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, and the average cost of private health insurance rose 4.8 per cent in 2017, far outpacing inflation.

by zfs
Personal super contributions and the 10% test
April 22, 2019

Personal super contributions and the 10% test

With Labor threatening to reinstate the 10 per cent test if elected, SMSF clients may want to make the most of their ability to claim deductions for personal contributions this financial year, says a technical expert.

by zfs