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Financial Planning
Teaching children about the value of money
Transferring money to children can be one of the most valuable financial steps parents can take.
Investment and economic outlook, October 2023
The peak drag on consumption caused by European Central Bank (ECB) monetary policy will likely occur in the first two quarters of 2024, according to Vanguard research.
SMSFA says proposed super legislation will hit farmers, small businesses the most
Small business owners and farmers with land or business premises owned by their SMSF are the big losers in the draft legislation on the Better Targeted Superannuation Concession, claims the SMSFA.
How to budget using the 50/30/20 method
This is a great strategy for anyone who wants an easy and structured budgeting method.
ATO takes hard line on in-house asset rules
A recent announcement from the ATO on in-house asset rules has left many in the auditing sector stunned, claims a leading adviser.
Most powerful LEADERS of All Time
Check out the most powerful LEADERS of All Time
Working after pension age
The Australian Government is assisting older Australians to work, if they are able and wish to do so, by allowing them to keep more of their pension when they have income from work.
Big stamp duty and tax changes for Victoria investors and businesses.
There are three main areas of significant change: Transition from stamp duty to annual property tax for commercial and industrial property. This will apply to commercial and industrial properties acquired on or after 1 July 2024. (existing owners of properties purchased before 1 July 2024 will not be affected). Once a property enters the … Read More
High deposit rates, but the case for equities is strong
Investors can currently lock in attractive term deposit rates, however equities are still likely to outperform cash over the longer term.
Revised NALE rules ‘miss chance to clarify SMSF bugbear
The ATO will need to help trustees work out when an arrangement is internal to the fund for the purposes of non-arm’s length expense rules, says the NTAA.