There are six simple rules that will ensure a deed is executed properly in every Australian state, says a leading superannuation legal consultant.
Financial Planning
The benefits and risks of collectable super assets
While owning collectable and personal use assets inside a SMSF may sound appealing, there’s a big catch.
Too many businesses roll the dice on tax debt: Jordan
Profitable companies that choose to relegate their tax and super obligations will be a focus of the ATO’s crackdown on collectable debt, Commissioner says.
Unfair Terms in a Standard Form Contract
As a business owner, you probably enter into contracts every day. Contracts are crucial as they document and govern the relationship between your business and various parties. It is common to offer the parties you interact with the same or similar contracts. These are examples of a standard form contract.
Oldest Buildings in the World
Check out the oldest buildings in the history of the world.
Super gender divide to remain a challenge
The Federal Government has flagged it expects the gender gap in superannuation balances to persist well into the future.
Last chance for $25,000 super deduction
For those with a super balance under $500,000, the 2024 financial year is the final year unused concessional contributions from the 2019 financial year can be applied.
Managing complex relationships in SMSFs comes down to well-crafted deeds
Marriage breakdowns and SMSFs are tricky and expensive, but if the fund has extended family members included it can get even trickier, says the head of a national SMSF advice company.
Our investment and economic outlook, August 2023
Read our latest forecasts for investment returns and our region-by-region economic outlook.
Transferring wealth to the next generation
Inheritance planning, particularly the future division of wealth and the intended treatment of assets, should be openly discussed at the family level.
Intergenerational Report 2023
Australia’s future to 2063
Single-asset segregation barred
A single asset cannot be treated in a manner that allows it to support some SMSF members in accumulation phase and others with a pension account.