A proven way to build wealth
September 27, 2021

A proven way to build wealth


Reinvesting income distributions and having the discipline to contribute regularly is a powerful way to build wealth, as evidenced in Vanguard's 2021 Index Chart.


by zfs
Retirement can be risky business
September 24, 2021

Retirement can be risky business


Retirees face a variety of risks in retirement including market risk, inflation risk and longevity risk. Here are some strategies to help mitigate them so you can achieve financial peace of mind.


by zfs
The rise of the female investor
September 15, 2021

The rise of the female investor


While society continues to grapple with the factors driving gender and pay inequity, women are proactively turning to investing more than ever before. And in doing so, they are demonstrating a very competent and sensible approach to building up their wealth outside of superannuation.


by zfs
Lockdowns and mental health
September 13, 2021

Lockdowns and mental health


Victoria endures its sixth lockdown as the state's cases grow; NSW records 1,281 new local COVID-19 cases and three deaths. Lockdowns to be eased once 70% of the population is double vaccinated against COVID-19 yet today some 60% of Australians are in lockdown.


by zfs
SMSFs go for growth
August 31, 2021

SMSFs go for growth


SMSFs are looking to invest more in equities and less in cash in this low-yield environment, according to the Vanguard/Investment Trends 2021 SMSF Investor report released last week.


by zfs
SMSFs go for growth
August 31, 2021

SMSFs go for growth


SMSFs are looking to invest more in equities and less in cash in this low-yield environment, according to the Vanguard/Investment Trends 2021 SMSF Investor report released last week.


by zfs
SMSF members highly satisfied with funds
August 25, 2021

SMSF members highly satisfied with funds


SMSF members are highly satisfied with their choice of superannuation fund and the sector has topped satisfaction ratings across all types of funds.


by zfs