New SMSF quarterly statistics highlight continued post-COVID recovery
June 26, 2021

New SMSF quarterly statistics highlight continued post-COVID recovery


The ATO’s newly released March 2021 quarterly statistical report has revealed the total number of SMSFs will soon hit 600,000, with consistent growth seen across establishments and assets as the industry heads into a post-COVID economic recovery.


by zfs
Understanding home downsizing and super contributions
June 14, 2021

Understanding home downsizing and super contributions


The Federal Government announced in the May Budget that it is widening the scope of the scheme allowing eligible Australians to sell their home and put extra money into their superannuation. Here's what you need to know.


by zfs
Understanding home downsizing and super contributions
June 14, 2021

Understanding home downsizing and super contributions


The Federal Government announced in the May Budget that it is widening the scope of the scheme allowing eligible Australians to sell their home and put extra money into their superannuation. Here's what you need to know.


by zfs
Guide to writing a business plan
June 14, 2021

Guide to writing a business plan


Whether starting a new business or re-planning an existing one, a business plan is always a good idea.  Getting professional help drafting you plan is another good idea because planning a business's future should be done in the best manner possible.


by zfs
Videos to help understand financial planning topics.
June 11, 2021

Videos to help understand financial planning topics.


Often watching a short video is a quicker way to understand what can otherwise be quite confusing.  The following titles have just been added to our website and can be accessed at any time and by anyone.


by zfs